Tagged: edited2022

This is the cool story behind the game FORCED.

The Young Entrepreneurs Who Lived Illegally In A Classroom To Found “Forced”

The game Forced is a popular RPG game with some tactical elements for up to 4 players. There you are a slave, who is forced to fight for his freedom or die. The game is available on Steam Store and has been a very popular app there. This makes it also a very successful business, and this business has a really cool story. Forced History The game was developed by a group of enthusiasts, passionate about gaming and computers. They found a spare classroom at the university they studied at and decided to use it for their first office. They...

Ryland's Restaurant - Image credit: bellenews.com

Ryland Goldman – The 7 Years Old Entrepreneur Who Started A Restaurant

Ryland’s Restaurant is a cool place to have a snack. People really like it and the food there is tasty. The business has a big potential for growth but the owner and the manager of the venture has some restrictions from mommy and daddy… Pretty understandable, having in mind that Rayland Goldman is just a 7-year-old boy… Actually, the kid has been thinking about founding a restaurant since he was just 3 years old, and after the Goldman family changed their house, Ryland decided to make his dream happen. His new home happened to be on a busy street, where...

A dog wearing sunglasses "Doggles".

Roni Di Lullo Made А Fortune Selling Glasses… For Dogs – The Doggles Company Start-Up Story

Glasses for Dogs?! Are you kidding me? Many of you might think that this is just a funny story, but it’s completely real and actually totally innovative. In fact, it also turned out to be a really profitable and successful business idea, that created a fortune. Roni Di Lullo made millions by building a business around it. And here is her story… One day when she was in the park, she saw her dog unpleasantly blinking, because of the strong sunlight. She got immediate inspiration and decided to make sunglasses for dogs. This was a totally crazy idea, nobody has made anything...

Good or bad to be smart?

Is It Good Or Bad To Have A Higher IQ

Most of the greatest inventors, artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs of all time are super intelligent people, their IQ is usually more than 145. These guys and gals have been shaping our future and our lives. They are the ones, who created our world as it is today. To be really smart could be great, but also it has some big disadvantages, too. In many cases being stupid is the coolest thing, that God may have given to someone. Super intelligent people are predisposed to many bad habits and not cool mental conditions like depression, anxiety, and some illnesses. This below...

7 Tips For More Sales Online

8 Tips On How To Increase Online Sales Fast And Improve Conversion

In today‘s digitally–driven world, more and more businesses are leveraging the power of the internet to increase online sales. Whether you are a small business looking to make your first sale online or a large company looking to grow your market share, there are simple tips that everyone can follow to help increase online sales. Here are 8 tips to get you started… Tip 1 – Master Details Often small things in business can have a big impact on your performance, especially when talking about Internet sales. Have you watched “The Butterfly Effect” movie? If not, I would recommend watching...

The site Ning.com

Ning.com – The Start-Up Story Of Mark Andreessen and Gina Bianchini

Social networking has been exploding over the last several years. This is how simple ideas like Facebook and Twitter were transformed into multi-billion companies, used by people from all around the world. Many people noticed their incredible success and followed the social trend. Some of them managed to gain popularity even after the big names has already conquered the market. They focused on certain niches like picture sharing, video sharing, etc. Even some teenage entrepreneurs managed to grasp a piece of the tasty social pie. One of them, Ashley Qualls was only 14 years old, when she started her social...

Top places for startign a business in USA

Which city to choose for your startup? The Best Cities For Starting A Business In The US

Business conditions can vary significantly in different places in the US. Choosing the right city for your startup can be the difference between failure and success. A company called GoodApril has made research on this matter across the country and has found the top 7 best places for founding a company. They have taken in account 6 important business factors in their analysis: 1. Average tech wages 2. Income taxes 3. Sales taxes 4. Property taxes 5. Housing cost 6. Office prices After collecting all the needed data, the professionals from GoodApril have come to some interesting results. The best...

The Magic of Accurately Valuating a Start Up

How Start-Ups Are Valuated – This Is How You Can Evaluate Your Starting Company

Most of the biggest online companies that exist today – Google, Yahoo, Facebook, eBay, you name it…, probably wouldn’t be here, if they didn’t receive venture capital or angel financing at their beginning. But putting money into a business is the easiest part, accurately evaluating its potential is what makes the difference between a highly successful and a bad investment. Investing in a multi-billion company at its start is like hitting the jackpot. All of the early investors in Google have made millions and even billions (like Andreas von Bechtolsheim for instance). But spotting such a gold mine is not...

The Official Dropbox Logo, 2013

How Dropbox Was Founded – The Start-Up Story Of Drew Houston

Imagine that you could create a folder on your desktop. You could go to work, create a folder with the same name on your office computer and find there the same files you put in the folder at home. You could also access these files of yours via your smartphone, no matter where you are. Well, you can do all of this with a service called Dropbox (www.dropbox.com). This is a cool way of storing your information, so it’s accessible from anywhere you are, from any device you use. And here is the story about how this great business idea...

How Entrepreneurs Think - Survey

Do Entrepreneurs Think Different?

Have you ever wondered why some people succeed in their business activities and some people just can’t, no matter how hard they try? Why is it easier for one to take risks, innovate, and change the world, while others keep working from 9 to 5 for all of their lives and have never really made efforts to start on their own? The following infographic, created by the popular freelance platform – Upwork and based on a survey among 3 200 freelancers, gives an interesting view on the way entrepreneurs think. First of all, an entrepreneur is not every person who...