Category: Business Quotes

How to Be Successful

8 Critical Success Factors You Need To Succeed

According to an interview realized by none other than Michael Jeffreys, there are 8 things one should know and must do in order to have a successful business. He has done a research amongst some of the most prosperous people in the world and synthesized the 8 most important factors for success, common for all of them. I don’t remember word for word these factors, but I am pretty sure I got the idea, so here they are for you. This is one really great and motivating article, so take the time to read it, you won’t regret it! How...

Short Inspirational Business Quotes That Can Boost Your Motivation

Short Inspirational Business Quotes That Can Boost Your Motivation

This is a list of some famous business quotes from the most successful entrepreneurs of all times. If you are looking for some interesting and engaging quotes on business, these are just for you. Some of them are really inspiring and motivational, so I hope they help you somehow… Some Inspirational Business Quotes * Donald Trump – American billionaire, entrepreneur, author and real estate magnate. Always think big! I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.   * Bill Gates – one of the founders of Microsoft Inc. The most unhappy...

Entrepreneurship Quotes – Some Of The Greatest From The Greatest

Entrepreneurship Quotes – Some Of The Greatest From The Greatest

Here are some quotes about entrepreneurship. I hope you like them… Entrepreneurship Quotes * Dame Anita Roddick – English woman entrepreneur, founder of The Body Shop Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking. Running that first shop taught me business is not financial science, it’s about trading – buying and selling.   * Peter Drucker – American writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Also known as the father of modern entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.   * Charles Robert Darwin –...

The Funniest Business And Entrepreneurship Quotes By Famous Entrepreneurs

The Funniest Business And Entrepreneurship Quotes By Famous Entrepreneurs

These are some of the funniest and craziest quotes from successful people: * Ted Turner – American entrepreneur, the founder of the news network – CNN My son is now an ‘entrepreneur’. That’s what you’re called when you don’t have a job. * Steve Jobs – one of the founders of Apple Inc Why join the navy if you can be a pirate? * Leslie “Les” Dawson – famous British comedian I used to sell furniture for a living. The trouble was, it was my own. * Oscar Wilde – famous Irish writer Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them...

Motivational Business Quotes

Motivational Business Quotes

Here are some motivational business quotes, from some very successful people! A lot can be learned, just while reading them… Motivational Quotes * Madam C.J. Walker – an African-American entrepreneur, founder of the Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company I had to make my own living and my own opportunity! But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them! * Nolan Bushnell – American entrepreneur, the founder of Atari Inc. The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have...

Bradley Whitford’s Speech At The University of Wisconsin in 2004

Bradley Whitford’s Speech At The University of Wisconsin in 2004

We found an interesting speech, in which you can learn some more about the importance of taking action. It is the commencement speech of actor Bradley Whitford, held in 2004 in the University of Wisconsin. It’s a little longer reading, but it’s worth every second you spend on it. Taking action here is the sixth point of his rules for success, but not the sixth by importance. Here you can take advantage of some other and really inspirational thoughts, too. The Commencement Speech Of Bradley Whitford At The University of Wisconsin in 2004 It’s great to be back in my...

Need Some Motivation? Get Some From Steve Jobs By Watching This.

Need Some Motivation? Get Some From Steve Jobs By Watching This.

Are you running low on motivation? Has your energy just depleted for some time now? Well, that happens from time to time to anybody. This short video is made to change this… See some life lessons from some very successful people, who share how they made it. You know…, quitters never win and winners never quit. This is what makes the difference between success and failure. According to some statistical data, only one percent of people have the passion to take risks, entrepreneurial risks… The rest feel comfortable working for an already established company for all of their lives… You...