Category: Start Up Stories

ComiXology – The Innovative StartUp David Steinberger and John Roberts That Turns A Mobile Phone Into A Comics Library

Comics By ComiXology is a cool and innovative mobile application with which you can make your small, tiny mobile device a big comics library. Awesome, isn’t it?! The app has made a real revolution in reading comic books on tablets and smartphones and has been a really successful startup since its foundation in the year 2007. The ComiXology idea was born in the head of David Steinberger, who co-founded the company (with the same name) with John Roberts, and Peter Jaffe. His inspiration came from his participation in a Start-Up contest, organized by New York University and their business plan won...

Ryan Blair

Ryan Blair – How A Gangster Became A Millionaire

This is just another story about how you can get anything you desire if you are fully dedicated to it. This is the story of a bad kid, who becomes a multimillionaire, founding his own company. This is a story about a guy who hasn’t even finished high school, and at the same time, he writes a book that reaches a top place on the best sellers list of the New York Times. Ryan Blair Ryan Blair was born on the 14th of July, 1977, in Southern California. He had a tough childhood, his father was far from the best,...

The Engaging Story Of People Helping People and Patrick Bet-David

Patrick Bet-David didn’t have an easy childhood. He was born in Iran in 1970, during the Iranian revolution. He suffered from war and all the bad consequences it caused. When he was 10 years old, he and his mother escaped from hell, they left Iran and went to Germany where they spent 2 years living in a refugee camp there. When he was 12, they went to the United States and settled there. But his childhood continued to be a tough one. He was not doing well in school, and all the other kids actually avoided him. When he graduated...

How to Start a Small Business Successfully - pic:

Small Business And Start Up Funding Tips And Advice From Successful Entrepreneurs

You have a great startup idea, you believe it’s awesome and that it has huge potential. You know what to do, how to do it. You have made a working prototype and it is working great. You can even smell the profits that are coming… Just a tiny problem stays between you and your success… The lack of finances… Any startup needs to be financed somehow and you should be well prepared when you start searching for cash. Here is a nice clip that can give you some cool tips and advice about startup financing. Below is a video from...

Peten Cashmore

10 Young Entrepreneurs Who Became Online Millionaires By Starting A Site As Online Business

Pete Cashmore Pete Cashmore was born in Banchory, a small town in Scotland, on the 18th of September 1985. When he was in high school he experienced some health issues, because of which he finished high school two years late. He couldn’t go out with friends and he had a lot of time all by himself. He was a teenager experiencing a big need for social contact. This is how social media sites became an important part of his everyday life and he was amazed by the fact that they were changing the way people communicate. He spent a...

The logo of The Home Depot

How Home Depot Was Started : Arthur Blank and Bernie Marcus’ Start Up Story

Whenever you visit the Home Depot, do you ever wonder how it started? How did it rise to become a one-stop shop that has everything you could ever need for your home? It was in 1978 when Arthur Blank and Bernie Marcus established The Home Depot (HD) in Atlanta, Georgia with the help of Ken Langone and Pat Farrah. The company started with a vision of providing a store for do-it-yourself (DIY) home improvements. There were other home improvement giants in the market during that time, but Home Depot’s founders believed in their goal of becoming the best and this...

The logo of’s History – Paul Berry’s Social Aggregator Start Up

RebelMouse is an ingenious idea that allows users to be able to manage all of their social activity in one spot. In essence, this provides one simple homepage for everything that embodies a person’s social life. Users are able to curate information, view tweets, examine real-time Facebook posts and enjoy every aspect of the social networking world from one platform. The arrangement is so amazing, but it had to start somewhere. The idea behind RebelMouse started with Huffington Post’s former CTO Paul Berry. RebelMouse was launched in June 2012 and it allows its users to extract their content from across...

This is the cool story behind the game FORCED.

The Young Entrepreneurs Who Lived Illegally In A Classroom To Found “Forced”

The game Forced is a popular RPG game with some tactical elements for up to 4 players. There you are a slave, who is forced to fight for his freedom or die. The game is available on Steam Store and has been a very popular app there. This makes it also a very successful business, and this business has a really cool story. Forced History The game was developed by a group of enthusiasts, passionate about gaming and computers. They found a spare classroom at the university they studied at and decided to use it for their first office. They...

What Is’s Story – How Arkady Yolozh and Arkady Borkovsky Started Up is the largest and most popular search engine in Russia. It accounts for just under 65% of the searches that take place within the country. The website is currently the most popular in Russia and attracts users from all over the world, it currently accounts for 1.7% of all search engine queries placed throughout the world. Let’s take a little look at the history of this fantastic website. The company started way back in 1990 when Arkady Yolozh and Arkady Borkovsky teamed up to create the company Arkadia. The company developed MS-DOS Software designed to search for patents. It...

Gasbuddy shows all stations near me and their prices.

Where Is The Cheapest Gas Near Me? GasBuddy Can Show You The Cheapest Gas Stations Around

Have you heard about GasBuddy? This great business idea was incorporated in Minneapolis, back in 2000, by two guys named Dustin Coupal and Jason Toews. Before launching the company, Dustin was an eye doctor and Jason worked as a computer programmer. Do you remember that around the year 2000, gas prices started to rise? This was how the two entrepreneurs came to the idea of helping people save some money regarding this. Different gas stations offered different prices and there was always a place where filling up your car tank was a sweet bargain. So, the two entrepreneurs decided to...