Category: Internet Start Ups

What Is Viber’s Start Up Story? How Talmon Marco and Igor Magazinik Founded The Company

What Is Viber? Viber is a mobile messenger that makes it possible for you to chat, call, and send files to all other users of the app, using your Internet connection. It was created by a company called Viber Media ( and today is one of the most popular applications offering a free voice-over IP (VoIP) service to its users. This term may be familiar to you as Skype and RingCentral offer a similar service… However, Viber is a bit different. It is specifically created and marketed for mobile platforms and made to be extremely user-friendly and easy to use....

The Bottle Keeper

The BottleKeeper – How Adam Callinan Made A Million Dollars Online

Adam Callinan is an entrepreneur, writer, and co-owner of a venture capital firm. Not only has he helped lots of small businesses at their early stage, but also he started many companies himself. He has some decent startup experience and here is a great story of his, a step by step explanation of how he started an automated million dollars online business with practically very little cash and no employees. This is the story of his latest and very successful online startup – This article was originally published on, by Adam himself: Recently I wrote a general overview,...

Cristian Owens Office

Christian Owens – How to Make a Million Dollars at 16

“I won’t stop until I make 100 million pounds.” Christian Owens once said – a teenage boy, entrepreneur, who made his first million when he was just 16 years old. This is an amazing story about a British schoolboy, who now runs a multimillion company. Christian Owens was just 14 when he started his first venture – the site Mac Box Bundle – an online store offering a combination of various Apple applications and utilities available for a short time at a big discount. He also gave 10 percent of the revenue to charity. The young entrepreneur used his pocket...


Business with … Beer Bellies – Story

You probably have heard about and their great idea – the beer belly. This is a rubber bag, that can be filled with your favorite drink and worn under clothes. “The Beerbelly brings Freedom to the Beverage!” is the slogan that these products are sold under. Having one, you can drink whatever you want, wherever you want, and whenever you like. No matter whether you are watching movies, you are on a plane, or even at the university on a lecture… It’s a crazy idea, isn’t it…? Here is how it was born: The Beer Belly was developed by...

How Daniel Kovach Started An Online Business With No Money

This is one amazing story about a man who took advantage of the whites-only scholarship at Boston University, that hit the media a few years ago. He created this discriminant policy into a gold mine and made thousands of dollars online with it. This is a story showing that anyone can start an online business with no money, just by finding a profitable niche. Here is his story… Back in 2006, some universities still offered scholarships only for whites. Daniel Kovach was one of the guys realizing that this could bring really big traffic to his site –, which...

Domain Name Searching Could Be a Lucrative Business

Domain Searching Services – PickyDomains.Com Do you want to use your talent to start making money? A great way to do this is by starting your own business. And this is how these guys have built a profitable enterprise. With the growing number of online entrepreneurs now looking for the perfect domain name, a specialized service for this is a great business idea. It may be really difficult to pick your perfect domain name. Not only because it is supposed to stay as your brand for years, but also because most of the cool names have been already registered by...

A Business Idea From Santa

The Startup For Santa Claus Mails – SantaMail And Byron Reese

A mail from Santa… Think about the days when you were a kid. If you grew up in a Christian family, one of the greatest joys you might remember from your childhood would probably be Christmas and of course, Santa Claus. Kids just love Christmas, that’s a wonderful time of the year for them because of the family evenings, the presents they receive, end the positive emotion as a whole. And they truly believe in the little dwarfs that prepare the presents and in Santa, who gives them to the boys and girls that were good during the year… That...

How To Build A Million Dollar Business Online –

Building a million-dollar business online is sometimes easier than one may think. Sometimes, you don’t even need a fancy degree, sound experience, or/and any other special tools and services. Sometimes, what you need to start a very successful company is just passion, desire, persistence, and … some faith in God. This story is a bright example of all of this. It’s about a monk called Father Bernard McCoy who started a very successful online store that still brings millions of revenue to his abbey… This Is How To Build A Million-Dollar Business Online From Scratch is a successful business...

Annie Safoian

Annie Safoian Started A 60 Million Company Thanks To Google – SADA Systems’ Story

Annie Safoian immigrated to the USA 30 years ago. It was hard, but she put some tough work, a slice of entrepreneurial spirit and with a pinch of luck to all this she is now living the American dream. She is the co-founder of SADA Systems – a company with expected annual revenue for 2016 of about $65 million. I found her story on !Yahoo finance and thought it would be an amazing read for our audience… And here is her startup story: How Annie Safoian Founded SADA Systems In 1987, a 32-year-old Annie Safoian moved to Los Angeles from...

The site – The Start-Up Story Of Mark Andreessen and Gina Bianchini

Social networking has been exploding over the last several years. This is how simple ideas like Facebook and Twitter were transformed into multi-billion companies, used by people from all around the world. Many people noticed their incredible success and followed the social trend. Some of them managed to gain popularity even after the big names has already conquered the market. They focused on certain niches like picture sharing, video sharing, etc. Even some teenage entrepreneurs managed to grasp a piece of the tasty social pie. One of them, Ashley Qualls was only 14 years old, when she started her social...