Category: Cool Videos

The Life Of Warren Buffet – A Video Biography Of The Guru From Omaha

The Life Of Warren Buffet – A Video Biography Of The Guru From Omaha

Warren Buffet is, and will ever be one of the greatest financial gurus and investors of all time. Currently, he is one of the wealthiest and most influential persons in the entire world. In 2022, his net worth is estimated at $106.3 billion, which makes him the 4th richest on Earth. He, like many other great businessmen and entrepreneurs, started with almost nothing. His story is definitely an interesting one, and this video is all about his life – from childhood to nowadays. See here a tidy and amazing biography of the financial guru dedicated to some of the most...

Mark Zuckerberg’s Story – Video

Mark Zuckerberg’s Story – Video

This is a story of a life that many people dream of. The story of an ordinary student, who changed the way we communicate with our friends and our society as a whole. Mark Zuckerberg is one of the founders of the most popular social network – Facebook. He is just 29, but he has created a company valued at $100 billion dollars, a platform used by hundreds of billions of people from around the world, and here is the story of how he did all of this. This movie traces the life of Mark and shows the path he...

Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Google’s History – Video

Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Google’s History – Video

Although there are plenty of stories on the Internet about Google, don’t miss checking out this one, too. This is a nice video about the birth of the most popular search engine today. This is the story of two young guys – Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who turned a small garage project into a multi-national and multi-billion business. Here you can see in detail how the Google idea came into existence, and how exactly the company was founded and managed at the very beginning. Watching this movie, you will learn some interesting facts about the early lives of the...

Jeff Bezos’ Commencement Speech – ‘We are What We Choose’

Jeff Bezos’ Commencement Speech – ‘We are What We Choose’

Jeff Bezos is one of the most famous and successful online entrepreneurs in the world. The founder of the biggest retailer in the US – was invited to Princeton University in 2010 to hold a speech to the graduating students. The latter will stay in history as one of the most influential and inspiring commencement speeches ever. One that all of us should listen to. Bezos graduated from Princeton back in 1986 getting electrical engineering and computer science degrees. The introduction was made by the president of the university Shirley M. Tilghman. To watch some more inspiring speeches, you...

5 Things Vital For The Success Of Any Start Up According To Richard Branson

5 Things Vital For The Success Of Any Start Up According To Richard Branson

Richard Branson is a well-known entrepreneur from all around the world. But he is not just an entrepreneur, he is a serial entrepreneur. Branson has started hundreds of successful companies, most of which are still operational today. He has not only made billions of dollars this way but also he has acquired an enormous amount of experience. In the video below he shares a little bit of it. There you can see the 5 most important things for the success of any starting company. Enough words, here is the video on the matter: 5 Vital Things For Start-Up Success More...

Who Is Nick Vujicic? Do You Need Some Motivation? (Video)

Who Is Nick Vujicic? Do You Need Some Motivation? (Video)

What To Do If You Fall… What to do if you fall? You try to get back up… What to do if you can not get back up a hundred times? You try again… I was looking around for cool business videos and I came across this one. This is one of the most motivating clips I have ever watched. It’s about a guy who is without legs and arms, but who is stronger and more motivated than 99% of all of us. His name is Nick Vujicic and this man is a hero, I simply can not find the...

How Great Leaders Inspire Action? Simon Sinek Explains Here

How to be a great leader? This short movie will take you one step further into the depths of leadership. Here you will see what exactly some of the greatest leaders of all time have done to inspire and motivate the people around them. This is another great TED video that will give you some great insights into how exactly leadership works. Simon Sinek will show you why companies like Apple and people like Martin Luther King actually manage to change the world. The video is a must-watch for every great leader wannabe and an excellent choice for everyone who...

Steve Jobs Biography – Movie

Steve Jobs is, and will ever be, one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time. His complex personality with overwhelming passion, dedication, and will has not only generated billions of dollars but also changed the world. He was a technological entrepreneur, visionary, and innovator who changed the world by pioneering the personal computer revolution of the 1970s and 80s. Not only did he create some of the most groundbreaking products of all time, such as the Apple Macintosh, but he also helped create an entirely new industry that has made technology more accessible to everyone. Jobs was born in San...

How Ellon Musk Started In Business

Elon Musk, born in 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa, and now a multi-billionaire tech giant, is quickly becoming the most influential figure of the 21st century. From co-founding Tesla Motors to launching a successful aerospace company called SpaceX, Musk has been revolutionizing the world of energy and transportation with his out-of-the-box thinking. He is one of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time, that’s for sure. His story is a great one, too. And here are some good news… You can watch it here. There is a popular saying “Sky is the limit”… In the following video, you will see how...

Never Never Ever Give Up! This Is How To Be Successful In Whatever You Do…

Never Never Ever Give Up! This Is How To Be Successful In Whatever You Do…

Rich and successful also cry. Failure is not a rare event even among the greatest entrepreneurs and inventors. What they do differently is that they just try again, without losing motivation. “Never never never give up” Winston Churchill once said in a very famous speech. Persistence is the quality that can make miracles with anyone. Most people simply find it easier to give up something, instead of giving it another shot. But why is this? There might be so many answers to this question. According to me, some of the main reasons are not that many. Many people, for example,...